Publications of Kerry Hourigan |
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- Gupta, S., Lo, J., Zhao, J., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
The role of an afterbody on flow-induced vibration of cylinders at low to moderate Reynolds numbers,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, accepted 31 December 2024.
- Cordero Obando, A., Thompson, M.C.,
Hourigan, K. & Zhao, J.,
Effect of aspect ratio on flow-induced vibration of oblate spheroids and implications for energy generation,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 128, 104137, 2024. DOI:
- Lo, J., Hourigan,
K., Thompson, M.C. &
Zhao, J.,
Effects of angle of attack on the large oscillations of a thin elliptical cylinder,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 128, 104153, 2024. DOI:
- Lo, J., Hourigan,
K., Zhao, J. & Thompson,
Data-driven active control of a thin elliptical cylinder undergoing transverse flow-induced vibrations,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1001, A35, 2024. DOI:
- Lo, J., Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. &
Zhao, J.,
A deep learning approach to classifying flow-induced vibration response regimes of an elliptical cylinder,
Physics of Fluids, 36, 044110, 2024. DOI:
- Lo, J., Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. &
Zhao, J.,
Order of magnitude increase in power from flow-induced vibrations,
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 205, 114843, 2024.DOI:
- Nanayakkara, S., Zhao, J., Terrington, S.,
Thompson, M. & Hourigan, K.,
Effects of surface roughness on the drag coefficient of spheres freely rolling on an inclined plane,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 984, A13, 2024. DOI:
- Nanayakkara, S., Zhao, J., Terrington, S.,
Thompson, M. & Hourigan, K.,
Effects of surface roughness on the drag coefficient of finite-span cylinders freely rolling on an inclined plane,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 998, A39, 2024. DOI:
- Nanayakkara, S., Terrington, S., Zhao, J.,
Thompson, M. & Hourigan, K.,
Contribution of rolling resistance to the drag coefficient of spheres freely rolling on a rough inclined surface,
Physics of Fluids, 36, 103340, 2024. DOI:
- Sareen, A., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
Passive control of flow-induced vibration of a sphere using a trip wire,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 124, 104052, 2024. DOI:
- Sareen, A., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
Varying Magnus effect on a rotating sphere at intermediate Reynolds numbers,
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 109, 109501, 2024. DOI:
- Terrington, S.J., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Vorticity dynamics at partial-slip boundaries,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 980, A58, 2024. DOI:
- Gupta, S., Sharma, A., Agrawal, A.,Thompson,
M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Role of shape and kinematics in the hydrodynamics of a fish-like oscillating hydrofoil,
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11, 1923, 2023. DOI:
- Gupta,
S., Zhao, J., Sharma, A., Agrawal, A., Hourigan,
K. & Thompson,
Two- and three-dimensional wake transitions of a NACA0012 airfoil,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 954, A26, 2023. DOI:
- Han, P., de Langre, E., Thompson, M.C.,
Hourigan, K. & Zhao, J.,
Vortex-induced vibration forever even with high structural damping,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 962, A13, 2023. DOI:
Houdroge, F.Y., Zhao, J., Terrington, S., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Fluid-structure interaction of a sphere rolling along an inclined plane,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 962, A43, 2023. DOI:
- Lo, J., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C. &
Zhao, J.,
The effect of structural damping on flow-induced vibration of a thin elliptical cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 974, A5, 2023. DOI:
- Terrington, S.J., Hourigan, K.
& Thompson, M.C.,
The Lyman-Huggins interpretation of enstrophy transport,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 958, A30, 2023. DOI:
S.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
The inner and outer solutions to the inertial flow over a rolling circular cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 962, A31, 2023. DOI: https://
Gupta, S., Agrawal, A.,
Sharma, A., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
Anguilliform and carangiform fish-inspired hydrodynamic study for an undulating hydrofoil: Effect of shape and adaptive-kinematics,
Physical Review Fluids, 7, 094102, 2022. DOI:
- Terrington, S.J., Hourigan, K.
& Thompson, M.C.,
Vortex ring connection to a free surface,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 944, A56, 2022. DOI:
- Terrington, S.J., Hourigan, K.
& Thompson, M.C.,
Vorticity generation and conservation on generalised interfaces in three-dimensional flows,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 936, A44, 2022. DOI:
- Zhao, J.. Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Decomposition of fluid forcing and phase synchronisation for in-line vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941, R4, 2022. DOI:
- Zhao, J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Damping effect on transverse flow-induced vibration of a rotating circular cylinder and its implied energy harvesting performance,
Physical Review Fluids, 7, 023905, 2022. DOI:
- Gupta, S., Sharma, A., Agrawal, A.,
Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Hydrodynamics of a fish-like body undulation mechanism: Scaling laws and regimes for vortex wake modes,
Physics of Fluids, 33, 101904, 2021. DOI:
Gupta, S., Thekkethil, Agrawal, A., Hourigan,
K., Thompson, M.C. & Sharma, A.,
Body-caudal-cin fish-inspired self propulsion study on burst-and-coast and continuous swimming of a hydrofoil model,
Physics of Fluids, 33, 091905, 2021. DOI:
- Hourigan, K.,
Exotic wakes of an oscillating circular cylinder: how singles pair up,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 922, F1, 2021. DOI:
Rajamuni, M.M., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
Vortex-induced vibration of a sphere close to or piercing a free-surface,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 929, A41, 2021. DOI:
- Terrington, S.J., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C.,
The generation and diffusion of vorticity in three-dimensional flows: Lyman's flux,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, , , DOI:
- Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan,
Bluff bodies and wake-wall interactions,
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 53, 347-376, 2021. DOI:
- Bhat, S., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan,
K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Effects of flapping motion profiles on insect-wing aerodynamics,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 884, A8, 2020. DOI:
- Brøns, M., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. &
Hourigan, K.,
Vorticity generation and conservation for two-dimensional interfaces and boundaries - ERRATUM,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 896, E1, 2020. DOI:
- Dehtyriov,
D., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Direct numerical simulation of a counter-rotating vortex pair interacting with a wall,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 884, A36, 2020. DOI:
- Dehtyriov, D., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
Optimal growth of counter-rotating vortex pairs interacting with walls,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 904, A10, 2020. DOI:
- Houdroge, F.Y., Leweke,
T., Hourigan,
K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 903, A48, 2020. DOI:

- Rajamuni, M.M., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Efficient FSI solvers for multiple-degrees-of-freedom flow-induced vibration of a rigid body,
Computers and Fluids, 196, 104340, 2020. DOI:
- Rajamuni, M.M., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Vortex dynamics and vibration modes of a tethered sphere,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 885, A10, 2020. DOI:
- Terrington, S.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 890, A5, 2020. DOI:

- Bhat, S., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan,
K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Aspect ratio studies on insect wings,
Physics of Fluids, 3168, 121301, 2019. DOI:
- Bhat, S., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan,
K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Evolutionary shape optimisation enhances the lift coefficient of rotating wing geometries,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 868, 369-384, 2019. DOI:
- Bhat, S.,
Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan,
K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Uncoupling the effects of aspect ratio, Reynolds number and Rossby number on a rotating insect-wing planform,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 859, 921-948, 2019. DOI:
- Rajamuni, M.M., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Vortex-induced vibration of elastically-mounted spheres: A comparison of the response of three degrees of freedom and one degree of freedom systems,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 89, 142-155, 2019. DOI:
- Sareen, A., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J.,
Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Large amplitude cross-stream sphere vibration generated by applied rotational oscillation,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 89, 156-165, 2019. DOI:
- Zhao, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Dynamic response of elliptical cylinders undergoing transverse flow-induced vibration,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 23, 123-131, 2019. DOI:
- Zhao, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
An experimental investigation of flow-induced vibration of high-side-ratio rectangular cylinders,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 91, 102580, 2019. DOI:
- Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. &
Thompson, M.C.,
Flow-induced vibration of a cube oriented at different incidence angles.
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 91, 102701, 2019. DOI:
- Bhat, S., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan,
K. & Thompson, M.C.,
The leading-edge vortex on a rotating wing changes markedly beyond a certain central body size,
Royal Society Open Science, 5(7), 172197, 2018. DOI:
- Rajamuni, M.M., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Vortex-induced vibration of a transversely rotating sphere,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 847, 786-820, 2018. DOI:
- Rajamuni, M.M., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Transverse flow-induced vibrations of a sphere,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 837, 931-966, 2018. DOI:
- Sareen, A., Zhao, J., Lo Jacono, D.,
Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
Vortex-induced vibration of a rotating sphere,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 837, 258-292, 2018. DOI:
- Sareen, A., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J.,
Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Vortex-induced vibrations of a sphere close to a free surface,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 846, 1023-58, 2018. DOI: Page
- Sareen,
A., Zhao, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan,
K. & Thompson, M.C.,
The effect of imposed rotary oscillation on the flow-induced vibration of a sphere,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 855, 703-735, 2018. DOI:
- Zhao, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Flow-induced vibration of D-section cylinders: An afterbody is not essential for vortex-induced vibration,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 851, 317-343, 2018. DOI:
- Zhao, J., Lo Jacono, D., Sheridan, J.,
Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Experimental investigation of in-line flow-induced vibration of a rotating circular cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 847, 664-699, 2018. DOI:
Alam, M.M, Zheng, Q. & Hourigan, K.,
The wake and thrust by four side-by-side cylinders at low Re,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 70, 131-134, 2017. DOI: -
Gupta, P., Hourigan, K., Jadhan, S., Bellare, J. & Verma, P.,
Effect of lactate and pH on mouse pluripotent stem cells: importance of media analysis,
Biochemical Engineering Journal, 118, 25-33, 2017. DOI:
- Houdroge, F.Y., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K.
& Thompson, M.C.,
Two- and three-dimensional wake transitions of an impulsively started uniformly rolling circular cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 826, 32-59, 2017. DOI:
- Rao, A., Leontini, J., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Three-dimensionality of elliptical cylinder wakes at low angles of incidence,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 825, 245-283, 2017. DOI:
- Gupta, P., Ismadi, M.-Z., Verma, P.J.,
Fouras, A., Jadhav, S., Bellare, J. &
Hourigan, K.,
Optimization of agitation speed in spinner flask for microcarrier structural integrity and expansion of induced pluripotent stem cells,
Cytotechnology, 68, 45-59, 2016.
- Hasani-Sadrabadi, M. M., Taranejoo, S.,
Dashtimoghadam, E., Bahlakeh, G., VanDersarl,
J. J., Janmaleki, M., Majedi, F. S., Sharifi,
F., Bertsch, A.,
Hourigan, K., Tayebi, L., Renaud, P. & Jacob, K. I.,
Microfluidic manipulation of core/shell nanoparticles for oral delivery of chemotherapeutics: a new treatment approach to colorectal cancer,
Advanced Materials, 28, 4134-4141, 2016.
- Rao, A., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
A universal three-dimensional instability of the wakes of two-dimensional bluff bodies,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 792, 50-66, 2016.
- Taranejoo, S., Chandrasekaran, R., Cheng,
W. & Hourigan, K.,
Bioreducible PIE-functionalized glycol chitosan: a novel gene vector with reduced cytotoxicity and improved transfection efficiency,
Carbohydrate Polymers, 153, 160-168, 2016.
- Taranejoo, S., Janmaleki , M., Pachenari,
M., Seyedpour, S.M., Chandrasekaran, R.,
Cheng, W. & Hourigan, K.,
Dual effect of F-actin targeted nanocarrier combined with antimitotic drug on aggressive colorectal cancer cytoskeleton:
allying dissimilar cell cytoskeleton disrupting mechanisms,
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 513, 464–472, 2016.
- Carvalho, E., Verma, P., Hourigan, K. &
Banerjee, R.,
Myocardial infarction: stem cell transplantation for cardiac regeneration,
Future Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, 10, 1025-1043, 2015.
- Jones, M., Hourigan, K. &
Thompson, M.C.,
A study of the geometry and parameter dependence of vortex breakdown,
Physics of Fluids, 27, 044102, 2015.
- Rao, A., Radi, A., Leontini, J., Thompson,
M.C., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
The influence of a small upstream wire on transition in a rotating cylinder wake,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 769, R2:1-12, 2015.
- Rao, A., Radi, A., Leontini, J., Thompson,
M.C., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
A review of rotating cylinder wake transitions,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 53, 2-14, 2015. DOI:
- Rao, A., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. &
Hourigan, K.,
Flow past a rotating cylinder translating at different gap heights along a wall,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 57, 314-330, 2015.
- Sarvi, F., Jain, K., Arbatan, T., Verma,
P.J., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C., Shen, W.
& Chan, P.,
Cardiogenesis of embryonic stem cells with liquid marble micro-bioreactor,
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 4, 77-86, 2015.
- Taranejoo, S., Liu, J., Verma, P. &
Hourigan, K.,
A review of the developments of characteristics of PEI derivatives for gene delivery applications,
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 132(25), 7667-7674, 2015.
- Assemat, P., Armitage, J., Siu, K.,
Contreras, K.G., Dart, A., Chin-Dusting, J.
& Hourigan, K.,
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of blood flow in mouse aortic arch around atherosclerotic plaques,
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38, 4174-4185, 2014.
- Assemat, P., Siu, K.K., Armitage, J.A.,
Hokke, S.N., Dart, A., Chin-Dusting, J. &
Hourigan, K.,
Hemodynamical stress in mouse aortic arch with atherosclerotic plaques: preliminary study of plaque progression,
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 10, 98-106, 2014.
- Braza, M. & Hourigan, K.,
Unsteady separation in fluid-structure interaction-I (Guest Editors, Special Volume)
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 47, 1-1, 2014.Front Cover of JFS AudioSlides
- Brøns, M., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. &
Hourigan, K.,
Vorticity generation and conservation for two-dimensional interfaces and boundaries,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 758, 63-93, 2014.
- Carvalho, E., Verma, P., Hourigan, K. &
Banerjee, R.,
Development of dual triggered in-situ gelling scaffolds for tissue engineering,
Polymer International, 63, 1593-1599, 2014.
- Ismadi, M.-Z., Hourigan, K. & Fouras,
Experimental characterisation of fluid mechanics in spinner flask bioreactor,
Processes, 2, 753-772, 2014 .
- Ismadi, M.-Z., Gupta, P., Fouras, A., Verma,
P., Jadhav, S., Bellare, J. & Hourigan,
Flow characterization of spinner flask for induced pluripotent stem cell culture application,
PLOS ONE, 9(10), e106493, 2014.
- Mununga, L., Lo Jacono, D., Sørensen, J.N.,
Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Control of confined vortex breakdown with partial rotating lids,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 738, 5-33, 2014.Front Cover of JFM
- Thompson, M.C., Radi, A., Rao, A.,
Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Low-Reynolds-number wakes of elliptical cylinders: from the circular cylinder to the normal flat plate,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 751, 570-600, 2014.
- Assemat, P. & Hourigan,
Evolution and Rupture of Vulnerable Plaques: A Review of Mechanical Effects,
ChronoPhysiology and Therapy, 3, 23–40, 2013.
- Griffith, M.D., Leontini, J., Thompson, M.C
& Hourigan, K.,
Effect of Small Asymmetries on Axisymmetric Stenotic Flow,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 721, R1-1:R1-11, 2013.
- Hourigan, K., Rao, A., Brøns, M., Thompson,
M.C. & Leweke, T.,
Vorticity generation and the wake transitions for a rotating cylinder near a wall,
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 12, 2-9, 2013.AudioSlides
- Ismadi, M.-Z., Higgins, S., Samarage, C.,
Paganin, D., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
Optimisation of a stirred bioreactor through the use of a novel Holographic Correlation Velocimetry flow measurement technique,
PLOS ONE, 8(6), e65714, 2013.
- Lee, H., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.,
Vortex-induced vibration of a neutrally buoyant tethered sphere,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 719, 97-128, 2013.
- Meunier, P. & Hourigan, K.,
Mixing in a vortex breakdown flow,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 731, 195-222, 2013.Front Cover of JFM
- Radi, A., Thompson, M.C., Sheridan, J.
& Hourigan, K.,
From the circular cylinder to the flat plate wake: the variation of Strouhal number with Reynolds number for elliptical cylinders,
Physics of Fluids, 25, 101706, 2013.
- Radi, A., Thompson, M.C., Rao, A., Hourigan,
K. & Sheridan, J.,
Experimental evidence of new three-dimensional modes in the wake of a rotating cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 734, 567-594, 2013.
- Rao, A., Leontini, J., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
Three-dimensionality in the wake of a rotating cylinder in a uniform flow,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 717, 1-29, 2013.
- Rao, A., Leontini, J., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
Three-dimensionality in the wake of a rapidly rotating cylinder in uniform flow,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 730, 379-391, 2013.
- Rao, A., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. &
Hourigan, K.,
Dynamics and stability of the wake behind tandem cylinders sliding along a wall,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 722, 291-316, 2013.
- Rao, A., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. &
Hourigan, K.,
The flow past a circular cylinder translating at different heights above a wall,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 41, 9-21, 2013.
- Sarvi, F., Yue, Z., Hourigan, K.,
Thompson, M.C. & Chan, P.P.Y.,
Surface-functionalization of PDMS for potential micro-bioreactor and embryonic stem cell culture applications,
Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1(7), 987-996, 2013.
- Dubsky, S., Jamison, R., Higgins, S., Siu,
K., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
Computed Tomographic X-ray Velocimetry for simultaneous 3D measurement of velocity and geometry in opaque vessels,
Experiments in Fluids, 52, 543-554, 2012.
- Fouras, A., Allison, B.J., Kitchen, M.J.,
Dubsky, S., Nguyen, J.T., Hourigan, K., Siu,
K.W., Lewis, R.A., Wallace, M.J. &
Hooper, S.B.,
Altered lung motion is a sensitive indicator of regional lung disease,
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 40(5), 1160-9, 2012.
- Gupta, P., Verma, P., Hourigan, K.,
Bellare, J. & Jadhav, S.,
Metabolic analysis of fibroblast conditioned media and comparison with theoretical modeling,
World Academcy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 72, 270-274, 2012.
- Hourigan, K.,
Biomedical Engineering Imaging,
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 13(11), 2103, 2012.
- Rao, A., Passagia, P.-Y., Bolnot, H.,
Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Leweke,
Transition to chaos in the wake of a rolling sphere,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 722, 291-316, 2012.
- Samarage, C.R., Carberry, J., Hourigan, K.
& Fouras, A.,
Optimisation of temporal averaging processes in PIV,
Experiments in Fluids, 52, 617–631, 2012.
- Bolnot, H., Passaggia, P.-Y.,
Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K.,
Wake transition of a rolling sphere,
Journal of Visualization, 14, 1-2, 2011. DOI:
- Griffith, M.D., Leontini, J., Thompson, M.C & Hourigan, K.,
Journal of Fluids and Structures 27, 855-860, 2011.

- Griffith, M.D., Schouveiler, L.,
Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Dynamics of the flow around colliding spheres,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 27, 1349-1356, 2011.
- Ismadi, M.-Z., Meunier, P., Fouras, A.
& Hourigan, K.,
Experimental control of vortex breakdown by density effects,
Physics of Fluids, 23, 034104, 2011.
- Jamison, R.A., Dubsky, S., Siu, K.W.,
Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
X-ray velocimetry and haemodynamic forces within a stenosed femoral model at physiological flow rates,
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 39, 1643-53 , 2011.
- Khor, M., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Power-Spectral density estimate of the Bloor-Gerrard instability in flows around circular cylinders,
Experiments in Fluids, 50, 527–534, 2011.
- Kumar, V., Ng, I., Sheard, G., Brocher,
E., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
Application of Particle Image Velocimetry and Reference Image Topography to jet shock cells using the hydraulic analogy,
Experiments in Fluids, 51, 543-551, 2011.
- Ng, I., Kumar, V., Sheard, G.J., Hourigan,
K. & Fouras, A.,
Experimental study of simultaneous measurement of velocity and surface topography: in the wake of a circular cylinder at low Reynolds number,
Experiments in Fluids, 50, 587-595, 2011.
- Rao, A., Stewart, B. E., Thompson, M. C.,
Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K.,
Flows past rotating cylinders next to a wall,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 27, 668-679, 2011.
- Roy, C., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Experiments on the elliptic instability in vortex pairs with axial core flow,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 677, 383–416, 2011.
- Dubsky, S., Jamison, R., Irvine, S., Siu,
K., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
Computed tomographic X-ray velocimetry,
Applied Physics Letters, 96, 023702, 2010, doi:10.1063/1.3285173.
- Griffith, M. D., Thompson, M. C., Leweke,
T. & Hourigan, K.,
Convective instability in steady stenotic flow: optimal transient growth and experimental observation,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 655, 2010, 504 – 514.
- Heibert, D., Lithgow, B. & Hourigan,
Computer models of the vestibular head tilt response, and their relationship to EVestG and Meniere’s Disease,
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Issue 65, 41, 942-955, 2010.
- Leontini, J., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
A numerical study of global frequency selection in the time-mean wake of a circular cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 645, 435 – 446, 2010.
- Ng, I., Kumar, V., Sheard, G.J., Hourigan,
K. & Fouras, A.,
Surface topography of jet shock cells in a hydraulic analogy,
Journal of Visualization, 13 (3), pp. 175-176, 2010. DOI:
- Stewart, B.E., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T.
& Hourigan, K.,
Numerical and experimental studies of the rolling sphere wake,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 643, 137–162, 2010.
- Stewart, B.E., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T.
& Hourigan, K.,
The wake behind a cylinder rolling on a wall at varying rotation rates,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 648, 225 – 256, 2010.
- Brøns, M., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Dye Visualization near a 3D stagnation point: application to the vortex breakdown bubble,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 622, 177-194, 2009.Front Cover of JFM
- Fouras, A., Dusting, J., Sheridan, J.,
Kawahashi, M., Hirahara, H. & Hourigan,
Engineering imaging - Using particle image velocimetry to see physiology in a new light,
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 36(2), 238-247, 2009.
- Fouras, A., Kitchen, M.J., Dubsky, S.,
Lewis, R.A., Hooper, S.B. & Hourigan,
The past, present and future of X-ray technology for in vivo imaging of function and form,
Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 102009:1-14, 2009.
- Fouras, A., Lo Jacono, D., Nguyen, V.N.
& Hourigan, K.,
Volumetric Correlation PIV: a new technique for 3D velocity vector field measurement,
Experiments in Fluids, 47, 569–577, 2009.
- Griffith, M.D., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
Pulsatile flow in stenotic geometries: flow behaviour and stability,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 622, 291-320, 2009.
- Hourigan, K.,
(Guest Editor) Frontiers in Research Reviews: New frontiers in biomedical engineering,
Clinical and Experimental Physiology and Pharmacology, 36(2), 192, 2009. DOI:10.1111/j.1440-1681.2008.05096.x
- Leweke, T., Schouveiler, L., Thompson,
M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Erratum to “Unsteady flow around impacting bluff bodies",
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 24, 1194-1203, 2009.
- Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Motion of a Möbius band in free fall,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 25, 687–696, 2009.
- Tan, B.T., Liow, K., Mununga,
L., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Simulation of the control of vortex breakdown in a closed cylinder using a small rotating disk,
Physics of Fluids, 21(2), 024104:1-8, 2009.
- Fouras, A., Lo Jacono, D. & Hourigan,
Target-free Stereo PIV: a novel technique with inherent error estimation and improved accuracy,
Experiments in Fluids, 44(2), 317-329, 2008.
- Fouras, A., Lo Jacono, D., Sheard, G. J.
& Hourigan, K.,
Measurement of instantaneous velocity and surface topography of a cylinder at low Reynolds number,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 24(8), 1271-1277, 2008.
- Griffith, M.D., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
Steady inlet flow in stenotic geometries: convective and absolute instabilities,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 616, 111–133, 2008.
- Khor, M., Sheridan, J., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
Global frequency selection in the wake of a circular cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 601, 425-441, 2008.
- Leweke, T., Schouveiler, L., Thompson,
M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Unsteady flow around impacting bluff bodies,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 1194-1203, 24(8), 2008.
- Lo Jacono, D., Sørensen, J.N., Thompson,
M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Control of vortex breakdown in a closed cylinder with a small rotating rod,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 24(8), 1278-1283, 2008.
- Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Flow normal to a short cylinder with free hemispherical ends,
Physics of Fluids, 20(4), 041701, 2008.
- Stewart, B.E., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K.
& Thompson, M.C.,
Wake formation behind a rolling sphere,
Physics of Fluids, 20(4), 071704:1-4, 2008.
- Buchanan, A., Macartney, R., Mark C.
Thompson, M. C., Brocher, E. &
Hourigan, K.,
Hydraulic analogy study of supersonic rectangular jet screech control with cylinders,
AIAA Journal, 45(7), 1539-1545, 2007.
- Fouras, A., Dusting, J. & Hourigan,
A simple calibration technique for stereoscopic particle image velocimetry,
Experiments in Fluids, doi 10.1007/s00348-007-0293-3, 42(5), 799-810, 2007.
- Fouras, A., Dusting, J., Lewis, R. &
Hourigan, K.,
Three-dimensional synchrotron X-ray PIV,
Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 064916, 2007 (also Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 14(7), 2007).
- Griffith, M.D., Thompson, M.C., Leweke,
T., Hourigan, K. & Anderson, W.P.,
Wake behaviour and instability of flow through a partially blocked channel,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 582, 319 – 340, 2007.
- Hirahara, H., Kawahashi, M., Khan, M.U.
& Hourigan, K.,
Experimental investigation of fluid dynamic instability in a transonic cavity flow,
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 31(4), 333-347, 2007.
- Leontini, J., Thompson, M. &
Hourigan, K.,
Three-dimensional transition in the wake of a transversely oscillating cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 577, 79 – 104, 2007.
- Ryan, K., Thompson, M. & Hourigan, K.,
The effect of mass ratio and tether length on the flow around a tethered cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 591, 117 – 144, 2007.
- Sheard, G.J., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
Flow around an impulsively arrested circular cylinder,
Physics of Fluids, 19, 083601-1:14, 2007.
- Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan,
Sphere-wall collision: vortex dynamics and stability,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 575, 121-148, 2007.(Copyright Cambridge University Press)
- Thouas, G., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan,
A Bioreactor model of mouse tumor progression,
J. Biomedicine and Biotechnology (now BioMed Research International), Article ID 32754, 9 pages, 2007.
- Dusting, J., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan,
A fluid dynamics approach to bioreactor design for cell and tissue culture,
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 94, 1196-1208, 2006.
- Fouras, A., Hourigan, K., Kawahashi, M.
& Hirahara, H.,
An improved free surface topographic technique,
Journal of Visualization, 9, 49-56, 2006. DOI:
- Khalil, S., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
Effects of axial pulsing on unconfined vortex breakdown,
Physics of Fluids, 18, 038102, 2006.
- Leontini, J.S., Stewart, B.E., Thompson,
M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Predicting vortex-induced vibration from driven oscillation results,
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 30, 1096-1102, 2006.
- Leontini, J., Stewart, B., Thompson, M.
& Hourigan, K.,
Wake-state and energy transitions of an oscillating cylinder at low Reynolds number,
Physics of Fluids, 18, 067101, 2006.
- Leontini, J.S., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
The beginning of branching behaviour during vortex-induced vibration at 2-D Reynolds numbers,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 22, 857-864, 2006.
- Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Instability of the flow around an impacting sphere,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 22, 961-971, 2006.
- Liow, Y.S.K., Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
Sound generated in laminar flow past a two-dimensional rectangular cylinder,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 295, 407-427, 2006.
- Stewart, B.E., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
Flow dynamics and forces associated with a cylinder rolling along a wall,
Physics of Fluids, 18(11), 111701, 2006.
- Tago, D., Hirahara, H., Kawahashi, M.
&. Hourigan, K.,
Experimental analysis of shear stress at a local area in a disk rotating bioreactor,
Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan, 26, No. 2, 311-314, 2006.
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Ryan, K.
& Sheard, G.J.,
Wake transition of two-dimensional cylinders and axisymmetric bluff bodies,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 22, 793-806, 2006.
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Cheung, A.
& Leweke, T.,
Hydrodynamics of a particle impact on a wall,
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 30(11), 1356-1369, 2006.
- Liow, Y.S.K., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
The sound generated from a pair of viscous co-axial vortex rings,
AIAA Journal, 43(2), 326-336, 2005.
- McBean, I., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C.
& Liu, F.,
Prediction of flutter of turbine blades in a transonic annular cascade,
ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 127, 1053-1058, 2005.
- Mills, R., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan,
Wake of forced flow around elliptical leading edge plates,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 20, 157-176, 2005.
- Reichl, P., Hourigan K. & Thompson,
Flow past a cylinder close to a free surface,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 533, 269 – 296, 2005.
- Ryan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Three-dimensional transition in the wake of elongated bluff bodies,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 538, 1-29, 2005.
- Ryan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Variation in the critical mass ratio of a freely oscillating cylinder as a function of Reynolds number,
Physics of Fluids (Letters), 17(3), 038106-9, 2005.
- Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
Computations of the drag coefficients for low-Reynolds-number flow past rings,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 526, 257-275, 2005. DOI:
- Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C., Hourigan,
K. & Leweke, T.,
The evolution of a subharmonic mode in a vortex street,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 534, 23-38, 2005.
- Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Subharmonic mechanism of the Mode C instability,
Physics of Fluids, 17 (11), 111702 (4 pages), 2005.
- Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Evaluating fluid forces on bluff bodies using partial velocity data,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 20, Issue 1, 5-24, 2005.
- Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
The shear layer instability of a circular cylinder wake,
Physics of Fluids (Letters), 17(2) 021702, 2005.
- Johnson, S.A., Thompson M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Predicted low frequency structures in the wake of elliptical cylinders,
European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 23, 229-239, 2004.
- Leweke, T., Thompson, M. C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Touchdown of a sphere,
Physics of Fluids, 16, no. 9, Gallery of Fluid Motion, 2004.
- Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Vortex dynamics associated with the collision of a sphere with a wall,
Physics of Fluids (Letters), 16, L74-L77, 2004.
- Mununga, L., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C.
& Leweke, T.,
Confined flow vortex breakdown control using a small disk,
Physics of Fluids, 16, 4750-4753, 2004.
- Ryan, K., Pregnalato, C.J., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
Flow-induced vibrations of a tethered circular cylinder,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 19, 1085-1102, 2004.
- Ryan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Vortex structures in the wake of a buoyant tethered cylinder at moderate to high reduced velocities,
European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 23, 127-135, 2004.
- Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Asymmetric structure and non-linear transition behaviour of the wakes of toroidal bodies,
European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 23, 167-179, 2004.
- Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
From spheres to circular cylinders: Non-axisymmetric transitions in the flow past rings,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 506, 45-78, 2004.
- Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Flow past rectangular cylinders: receptivity to transverse forcing,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 515, 22-62, 2004.
- Mills, R., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan,
Particle image velocimetry and flow visualisation of flow around rectangular cylinders,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 478, 299-323, 2003.
- Reichl, P., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
The unsteady wake of a circular cylinder near a free surface,
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 71, 347-359, 2003.
- Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
From spheres to circular cylinders: the stability and flow structures of bluff ring wakes,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 492, 147 – 180, 2003.
- Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
A coupled Landau model describing the Strouhal-Reynolds number profile of a three-dimensional cylinder wake,
Physics of Fluids, 15(9), L68-71, 2003.
- Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Sources of acoustic resonance generated by flow around long rectangular plates in a duct,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 18, 729-740, 2003.
- Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
The sensitivity of steady vortex breakdown bubbles in confined cylinder flows to rotating lid misalignment,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 496, 129 - 138, 2003.
2002 and before
- Mills, R., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan,
Response of base suction and vortex shedding from rectangular prisms to transverse forcing,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 461, 25-49, 2002.
- Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Tan,
Self-sustained oscillations in flows around long blunt plates,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 15, 387-398, 2001.
- Tan, B.T., Morris, P., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K.,
Chaotic mixing simulations,
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 22, 1047-1057, 1998.
- Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
Flow around long rectangular plates under cross flow perturbations,
International Journal of Fluid Dynamics (WWW), 2, Article 1, 1998.
- Reichl, P.J., Morris, P., Hourigan, K.,
Thompson, M.C. & Stoneman, S.A.T.,
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of surface coating,
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 22, 1037-1046, 1998.
- Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Welsh, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Three-dimensional vortex structures in a cylinder wake,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 312, 201-222, 1996.
- Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. &
Soria, J.,
Shear layer vortices and longitudinal vortices in the near wake of a circular cylinder,
International Journal of Experimental Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, and Fluid Mechanics, 12, 169-174, 1996.
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. &
Sheridan, J.,
Three-dimensional instabilities in the wake of a circular cylinder,
International Journal of Experimental Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, and Fluid Mechanics, 12, 190-196, 1996.
- Hourigan, K., Rudman, M. & Brocher,
The feedback loop in an impinging supersonic jet,
International Journal of Experimental Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, and Fluid Mechanics, 12, 265-270, 1996.
- Hourigan, K., Graham, L.W. & Thompson,
Spiral streaklines in pre-vortex breakdown regions of axisymmetric swirling flows,
Physics of Fluids, 7, 3126-3128, 1995.
- Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Welsh, M.C.,
Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C,
Longitudinal vortices in a cylinder wake,
Physics of Fluids, 6, 2283-2285, 1994.
- Hourigan, K., Mills, R., Thompson, M.C.,
Sheridan, J., Dilin, P. & Welsh, M.C.,
Base pressure coefficients for flows around rectangular plates,
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 49, 311-318, 1993.
- Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Soria, J., Hourigan,
K & Welsh, M.C.,
Experimental investigation of vortex shedding from a plate: effect of external velocity perturbation,
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 49, 401-410, 1993.
- Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C., Brocher, E.
& Andrianantoandro, A.,
Coupling of vortex shedding with the fundamental resonant mode of a resonator tube,
Noise Control Engineering Journal, 41, 331-337, 1993.
- Brocher, E., Hourigan, K.,
Andrianantoandro, A., Thompson, M.C. &
Welsh, M.C.,
Sur le transfert d'énergie entre un écoulement tourbillonnaire et un champ,
Journal de Physique IV, 2, C1-577 - C1-580, 1992.
- Welsh, M.C., Soria, J., Sheridan, J., Wu,
J., Hourigan, K. & Hamilton, N.,
Three-dimensional flows in the wake of a circular cylinder,
The Visualization Society of Japan, Album of Visualization, 9, 18-19, 1992.
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Welsh,
M.C. & Brocher, E.,
Acoustic sources in a tripped flow past a resonator tube,
AIAA Journal, Vol. 30(2), 1484-1491, 1992. DOI:
- Hourigan, K., Welch, L.W., Thompson, M.C.,
Cooper, P.I. & Welsh, M.C.,
Augmented forced convection heat transfer in separated flow around a blunt flat plate,
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 4, 182-191, 1991. DOI:
- Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C., Thompson, M.C.
& Stokes, A.N.,
Aerodynamic sources of acoustic resonance in a duct with baffles,
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 4, 345-370, 1990. DOI:
- Welsh, M.C., Hourigan, K., Welch, L.W.,
Downie, R.J., Thompson, M.C. & Stokes,
Acoustics and Experimental Methods: The influence of sound and heat transfer,
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 3, 138-152, 1990. DOI:
- Ward, W.R. & Hourigan, K.,
Orbital migration of protoplanets: The inertial limit,
Astrophysical Journal, 347, 490-495, 1989.
- Stoneman, S.A.T., Hourigan, K., Stokes,
A.N. & Welsh, M.C.,
Resonant sound caused by flow past two plates in tandem in a duct,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 192, 455-484, 1988. DOI:
- Soh, W.K., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
The shedding of vorticity from a smoorth surface,
Fluid Dynamics Research, 3, 122-126, 1988. DOI:
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C.
& Soh, W.K.,
Prediction of vortex shedding from bluff bodies in the presence of a sound field,
Fluid Dynamics Research, 3, 349-352, 1988. DOI:
- Mathias, M., Stokes, A.N., Hourigan, K.
& Welsh, M.C.,
Low level flow induced acoustic resonances in ducts,
Fluid Dynamics Research, 3, 353-356, 1988. DOI:
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Welsh,
Numerical simulation of the heat transfer in the separated and reattached flow on a blunt flat plate,
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 13, 665-674, 1986. DOI:
- Hourigan, K. & Ward, W.R.,
Radial migration of preplanetary material: implications for the accretion timescale problem,
Icarus, 60, 29-39, 1984. DOI:
- Houdroge, F.Y., Thompson, M.C., Leweke,
T. & Hourigan, K.,
Fluid-structure interaction of a rolling cylinder with offset centre-of-mass,
Advances in Fluid-Structure Interaction,
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 133, 91-104, 2016.
- Schouveiler, L., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T.
& Hourigan, K.,
Vortex Dynamics Associated with the Impact of a Cylinder with a Wall,
IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control,
IUTAM Bookseries, 2009, Volume 14, IV, 235-242, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9898-7_20
- Atvars, K., Thompson, M., Hourigan, K.,
Modification of the Flow Structures in a Swirling Jet,
IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control,
IUTAM Bookseries, 2009, Volume 14, IV, 243-253, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9898-7_20.
- Stewart, B., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.
& Leweke, T.,
The Wake Dynamics of a Cylinder Moving Along a Plane Wall with Rotation and Translation,
IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control,
IUTAM Bookseries, 2009, Volume 14, IV, 495-504, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-9898-7_20.
- Hourigan, K., McBean, I., Thompson, M.C.
& Liu, F.,
Numerical prediction of flow instabilities and aeroelastic effects,
Springer series "Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design (NNFM):
Coupling of Fluids, Structures and Waves in Aeronautics”, eds. Barton and Periaux, 2003, XII, 316 pp 87-100, 3-540-40222-5)
- Ryan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
The Effect of Changed Mass Ratio on the Motion of a Tethered Cylinder,
In: Benaroya, H., Wei, T.J. (eds) IUTAM Symposium on Integrated Modeling
of Fully Coupled Fluid Structure Interactions Using Analysis, Computations and Experiments.
Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, vol 75. Springer, Dordrecht. DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-0995-9_8
- Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C. &
Sheridan J.,
The Development of Three-Dimensionality in the Wake of a Circular Cylinder,
Advances in Turbulence V, editor Benzi et al., 496--501, 1995.
- Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K., Dilin,
P., Rudman, M., Thompson, M.C., Welsh, M.C.,
Mills, R.,
Control of wake formation and base pressures by transverse perturbations,
Bluff-Body Wakes, Dynamics and Instabilities, Springer, Berlin, 1993.
- Khor, M., Sheridan, J.
& Hourigan, K.,
The Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability of the Separated Shear Layer from a Circular Cylinder,
Bluff-Body Wakes, Dynamics and Instabilities, Springer, Berlin, 1993.
- Braza, M., Bottaro, A., Thompson, M.C.
& Hourigan, K., (Guest Editors),
Unsteady separation in fluid-structure interaction-II (Guest Editors, Special Volume),
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 53, 1-1, 2015.
- Braza, M. & Hourigan, K., (Guest
Unsteady separation in fluid-structure interaction-I (Guest Editors, Special Volume),
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 47, 1-1, 2014.
- Hourigan, K., (Guest Editor),
Hot Topics – Biomedical Engineering Imaging,
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 13(11), 2103, 2012.
- Hourigan, K., (Guest Editor) ,
Frontiers in Research Reviews: New frontiers in biomedical engineering,
Clinical and Experimental Physiology and Pharmacology, 36(2), 192-193, 2009.
- M. Braza, M. & Hourigan, K., (Guest
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 24(8), 2008.

- Braza, M. & Hourigan, K., (Editors)
Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control,
- Leweke, T., Hourigan, K., Williamson, C.H.K., (Editors)
Special Issue of European Journal of Mechanics B, Vol. 23 (1), 2004.

- Hourigan, K., Leweke, T., Williamson,
C.H.K. & Thompson, M.C, (Editors),
Proceedings of the Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibration (BBVIV3),
Port Douglas, Queensland, December 17-20, 2002.
- Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the 13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Volumes I and II,
Monash University, December 13-18, 1998.
- Hourigan, K.,
Review of Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Sixth Edn.
By J. A. Roberson & C. T. Crowe. Wiley, 1997. 689 pp. ISBN 0 471 14735 4.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 376, 376-378, 1998.
Gupta, S., Sharma, A.,
Agrawal, A. & Hourigan,
Effect of Strouhal Number on an Undulating Hydrofoil – from Drag to Thrust Generation,
Proceedings of the 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), December 10-12, 2018, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
- Zhao, J., Hourigan,
K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Flow-induced vibration of high-side-ratio
rectangular cylinders, IUTAM Symposium on
Critical flow dynamics involving
moving/deformable structures with design
application, Santorini, Greece, June
18-22, 2018.
- Sareen, A., Zhao, J.,
Sheridan, J., Hourigan,
K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Effect of a free surface on the VIV response of a sphere,
7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV), (Eds. T. Leweke and C.H.K. Williamson), Carry-le-Rouet (Marseille), France, 3-6 July 2018.
- Rajamuni, M. M.,
Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan,
An efficient FSI solver for multiple-degree-of-freedom flow-induced vibration.
30th International Conference of Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics (ParCFD), (Eds. C. Sheng et al.), Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 14-17 May 2018.
- Rajamuni, M. M.,
Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan,
Flow-induced vibration of a sphere,
7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV), (Eds. T. Leweke and C.H.K. Williamson), Carry-le-Rouet (Marseille), France, 3-6 July 2018.
- Zhao, J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan,
K., Flow-induced vibration of a D-shape
cylinder, ENOC 2017,
Paper ID261, June 25-30, 2017, Budapest, Hungary (ISBN 978-963-12-9168-1).
- Houdroge, F., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K.
& Thompson, M.C.,
Vortex-induced vibrations of freely rolling bluff bodies,
ERCOFTAC SIG 41, Fluid-structure Interaction with Impact on Industrial Applications, IMFT, Toulouse, 6-7 June 2017.
- Bhat, S., Harbig, R., Thompson, M.C.,
Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Effect of aspect ratio and elasticity on flapping wings,
The 8th International Bio-Fluid Symposium, Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2016.
- Houdroge, F., Thompson, M. C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Fluid-structure interactions of unconstrained spheres rolling down an incline.
In Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: G. Ivey et al., Pub: The University of West Australia, ISBN/ISSN),
University of West Australia, Perth, Australia, 5-8 December 2016, article 699 (4 pages).
- Sareen, A., Zhao, J., La Jacono, D.,
Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
Vortex-induced vibration of a transversely rotating sphere,
In Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: G. Ivey et al., Pub: The University of West Australia, ISBN/ISSN:),
University of West Australia, Perth, Australia, 5-8 December 2016, article 546 (4 pages).
- Rajamuni, M.M., Thompson, M.C. &
Hourigan, K.,
Vortex-induced vibration of a transversely rotating sphere,
In Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: G. Ivey et al., Pub: The University of West Australia, ISBN/ISSN: ),
University of West Australia, Perth, Australia, 5-8 December 2016, article 658 (4 pages).
- Bhat, S., Zhao, J., Lo Jacono, D., M.C.,
Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson,
Effect of Central Body Size on the Leading Edge Vortex of a Rotating Insect Wing,
In Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: G. Ivey et al., Pub: The University of West Australia, ISBN/ISSN: ),
University of West Australia, Perth, Australia, 5-8 December 2016, article 667 (4 pages).
- Thompson, M.C., Brøns, M., Leweke, T.
& Hourigan, K.,
The curious case of the vanishing vorticity,
XXIC ICTAM, 21-26 August, Montreal, Canada, 2016.
- Alam, M.M., Xu, G., Hourigan, K. &
Rehman, R., Thrust produced by four fingers
of a swimmer at a low Re.
The Proceeding of the International conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Material Engineering (ICMIME2015),
11-13 December, 2015, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, paper no FM-15.
- Assemat, P. & Hourigan, K.,
Fluid structure interaction study of elastic vessels under atherosclerotic conditions,
3rd Symposium on FSSIC, Perth, Western Australia, 5-9 July, 2015.
- Assemat, P. & Hourigan, K.,
Large deformations of elastic vessels under atherosclerotic conditions,
ICNAAM 2014, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece, 22-28 September 2014, AIP Conf. Proc. 1648, 850087, 2015.
- Rao, A., Radi, A., Leontini, J.S.,
Thompson, M.C., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan,
On the influence of a wire placed upstream of a rotating cylinder: Three-dimensional effects,
In Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference
(Eds: Harun Chowdhury and Firoz Alam, Pub: RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2),
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014, 459 (4 pages)
- Thompson, M.C., Rao, A., Leontini, J.S.
& Hourigan, K.,
The existence of multiple solutions for rotating cylinder flows,
In Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference
(Eds: Harun Chowdhury and Firoz Alam, Pub: RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2),
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014, 459 (4 pages)
- Houdroge, F. Y., Hourigan, K., Leweke, T.
& Thompson, M. C.,
Fluid-Structure Interaction of a Cylinder Rolling Down an Incline under Gravity,
In Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference
(Eds: Harun Chowdhury and Firoz Alam, Pub: RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN: 978-0-646-59695-2),
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December 2014, 459 (4 pages)
- Thompson, M., Rao, A., Leontini,
J.S. & Hourigan, K.,
The Existence of Multiple Solutions for Rotating Cylinder Flows,
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT, Melbourne, 8-11 December, 2014.
- Rao, A., Radi, A., Leontini, J.,
Thompson, M.C., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan,
On the Influence of a Wire placed Upstream of a Rotating Cylinder: Three dimensional Effects,
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, RMIT, Melbourne, 8-11 December, 2014.
- Carvalho, E., Verma, P., Hourigan, K. & Banerjee, R.,
7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Suntec City, Singapore, 30 June – 5 July, 2013.
- Carvalho, E., Verma, P., Hourigan, K. & Banerjee, R.,
40th Annual Meeting and General Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Hawaii Convention Center,
Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A, July 21–24, 2013.
- P. Gupta, P., Verma, P.J., Hourigan, K., Bellare, J. & Jadhav, S.,
Oral presentation at International Conference on Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Science, Perth.
Full paper available as conference proceeding, online, 2012.
- Hough, J., Assemat, P., Siu, K.K., Armitage, J.A., Contreras, K., Dart, A., Chin-Dusting, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, (Editors: P.A. Brandner and B.W. Pearce),
3-7 December, 2012, Launceston, Australia.
- Assemat, P., Hannema, G., Carberry, J., Michell, D., Andrews, K., Dart, A., Chin-Dusting, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, (Editors: P.A. Brandner and B.W. Pearce),
Launceston, Australia, 3-7 December, 2012.
- Assemat, P., Hough, J., Siu, K.K.W., Armitage, J.A., Chin-Dusting, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Ninth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals and Process Industries, MCEC,
Melbourne, Australia, 10-12 December, 2012.
- Hourigan, K., Brons, M., Thompson, M.C. & Leweke, T.,
The Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and its Applications (BBAA7),
Xiang, H., Ge, Y. and Cao, S. (Editors), pp 13-22, Shanghai, China; September 2-6, 2012.
- Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T., Griffith, M.D, Leontini, J., Schouveiler, L., Rao, A. & Hourigan, K.,
Invited Keynote Talk, IUTAM Symposium on Bluff-Body Flows, Mittal, S., Biswas, G. (editors), pp. 82-87,
December 12-16, 2011, IIT Kanpur, India.
- Rao, A., Stewart, B.E., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K.,
In IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations: Book of Papers
(Eds: T. Leweke & C.H.K. Williamson), Hotel San Michele, Capri, Italy, 22-25 June 2010, 357-360.
- Griffith, M.D., Leontini, J.S., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
In IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations: Book of Papers
(Eds: T. Leweke & C.H.K. Williamson), Hotel San Michele, Capri, Italy, 22-25 June 2010, 109-111.
- Dubsky, S., Jamison, R.A., Higgins, S., Siu, K.K.W., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
15th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 5–8 July 2010.
- Fouras, A., Dubsky, S., Nguyen, J.,
Hourigan, K., Kitchen, M.J., Allison, B.J.,
Wallace, M.J., Siew, M.L., Siu, K.K.W.,
Lewis, R.A.,
In-vivo Synchrotron PIV for the measurement of airway motion, 15th International Symposium on Applications of Laser
Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 5–8 July 2010.
- Jamison, R.A., Dubsky, S., Higgins, S.,
Siu, K.K.W., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
15th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 5–8 July 2010.
- Samarage, C.R., Carberry, J., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
15th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 5–8 July 2010.
- Dubsky, S., Jamison, R.A., Irvine, S.C., Siu, K.K.W., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
in Proc. Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation — MASR 2010, Melbourne, Australia, 16–18 February 2010.
- Fouras, A., Allison, B.J., Kitchen, M.J., Dubsky, S., Nguyen, J., Hourigan, K., Siu, K.K.W., Uesugi, K., Yagi, N., Lewis, R.A., Wallace, M.J., & Hooper, S.,
in Proc. Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation — MASR 2010, Melbourne, Australia, 16–18 February 2010.
- Chua, C.S., Sheard, G.J., Dubsky, S., Higgins, S., Jamison, R.A., Fouras, A. & Hourigan, K.,
in Proc. 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry — PIV09, Melbourne, Australia, 25–28 August 2009.
- Fouras, A., Dubsky, S., Nguyen, J.,
Hourigan, K., Kitchen, M.J., Allison, B.J.,
Wallace, M.J., Siew, M.L., Siu, K.K.W.,
Lewis, R.A.,
In-vivo Synchrotron PIV for the measurement of airway motion,
in Proc. 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry — PIV09, Melbourne, Australia, 25–28 August 2009.
- Higgins, S., Fouras, A. & Hourigan, K.,
in Proc. 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry — PIV09, Melbourne, Australia, 25–28 August 2009.
- Jamison, R.A., Fouras, A., Dubsky, S., Irvine, S.C., Siu, K.K.W., & Hourigan, K.,
in Proc. 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry — PIV09, Melbourne, Australia, 25–28 August 2009.
- Kumar, V., Ng, I., Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
in Proc. 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry — PIV09, Melbourne, Australia, 25–28 August 2009.
- Ng, I., Kumar, V., Sheard, G.J., Hourigan, K. & Fouras, A.,
cylinder at low Reynolds number,
in Proc. 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry — PIV09, Melbourne, Australia, 25–28 August 2009.
- Samarage, C.R., Carberry, J., Fouras, A. & Hourigan, K.,
in Proc. 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry — PIV09, Melbourne, Australia, 25–28 August 2009.
- Liow, Y.S.K., Thouas, G., Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
In 13th International Conference on Medical Bioengineering, IFMBE Proceedings, vol. 23, issue 1-3
(Eds: C.T. Lim & J.C.H. Goh, ISBN: 978-3-540-92840-9), Singapore, 3-6 December 2008, 1672-1675.
- Dubsky, S., Fouras, A., Irvine, S.C., Siu, K.K.W. & Hourigan, K.,
14th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 July 2008.
- Fouras, A., Lo Jacono, D., Nguyen, C.V., Dubsky, S. & Hourigan, K.,
14th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 July 2008.
- Thouas, G.A., Thompson, M.C., Contreras, K.G., Liow, K.Y.S., Tan, K.B.T. & Hourigan, K.,
In Proceedings of the 30th Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference,
Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. The Printing House, Inc.),
Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada, 20-24 August 2008, 3586-3589.
- Stewart, B., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Abstracts of the XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, 24–29 August 2008.
- Hourigan, K., Lee, H. and Thompson, M.C.,
Abstracts of the XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, 24–29 August 2008.
- Griffith, M., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Abstracts of the XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, 24–29 August 2008.
- Roy, C., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Abstracts of the XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, 24–29 August 2008.
- Brons, M., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Abstracts of the XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, 24–29 August 2008.
- Lee, H., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Abstracts of the XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, 24–29 August 2008.
- Lee, H., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K.,
9th International conference on Flow-Induced Vibrations (FIV2008), Prague, 30 June - 3 July 2008.
- Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C. and Sheridan, J.,
Computational and Experimental Study of Vortex Dominated Flows Symposium, ICCES08, 17-22 March 2008,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- Higgins, S., Sheard, G.J., Fouras, A. & Hourigan, K.,
Australian & New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 50, C1004–C1016, 2008.
- Lee, H., Thompson, M.C. and Hourigan, K.,
16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Crown Plaza, Gold Coast, Australia, 2-7 December 2007, 580-585.
- Liow, K.Y. S., Tan, B. T., Thompson, M. C., Hourigan, K. & Thouas, G.,
16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Crown Plaza, Gold Coast, Australia, 2-7 December 2007, 361-367.
- Tan, W.L., Thouas, G.A., Thompson, M.C. and Hourigan, K.,
16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Crown Plaza, Gold Coast, Australia, 2-7 December 2007, 346-352.
- Leweke, T., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C.,
Fifth Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations, 12-15 December 2007, Costa do Sauípe, Bahia, Brazil.
- Stewart, B., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K. and Thompson, M.C.,
60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 18-20, 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Fouras, A. and Hourigan, K.,
IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, June 18-22, 2007, Corfu, Greece.
- Sheard, G.J., Evans, R.G., Denton, K.M. and Hourigan, K.,
IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, June 18-22, 2007, Corfu, Greece.
- Schouveiler, L., Thompson, M. C., Leweke, T. and Hourigan, K.,
IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, June 18-22, 2007, Corfu, Greece.
- Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C., Sheard, G.J., Ryan, K., Leontini, J.S. & Johnson, S.A.,
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 64, 012018, 2007.
- Atvars, K., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, June 18-22, 2007, Corfu, Greece.
- Lo Jacono, D., Thompson, M. C., Hourigan, K. & Sorensen, J. N.,
Flows and their Control, June 18-22, 2007, Corfu, Greece.
- Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C., Sheard, G.J., Schouveiler, L. & Hourigan, K.,
IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, June 18-22, 2007, Corfu, Greece.
- Stewart, B., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Leweke, T.,
IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows and their Control, June 18-22, 2007, Corfu, Greece.
- Roy, C., Thompson, M., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K.,
18 ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Grenoble, 27-31 août 2007.
- Ito, N., Hirahara, H., Tago, D., Kawahashi, M. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of 2nd Saitama Meeting of JSME, Vol.2, Page.81-82, 2006.
- Sheard, G.J., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K.,
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in Process Industries,
Melbourne, Australia, December 13-15, 2006.
- Atvars, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
6th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, KTH Mechanics, Stockholm, Sweden, June 26-30, 2006.
- Griffith, M. D., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C.,
J. Biomech. 39 (Suppl. 1), p. S294 (2006) – 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, 29 July – 4 August 2006, Munich, Germany.
- Leweke, T., Hourigan, K.& Thompson, M. C.,
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 51 (10), p. 129 (2006)– 59th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics,
American Physical Society, 19-21 November 2006, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA.
- Griffith, M.D., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 51 (10), p 134 (2006) – 59th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics,
American Physical Society, 19-21 November 2006, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA.
- Lo Jacono, D., Hourigan, K. and Sorensen, J.,
Am. Phys. Soc., 51 (10), p. 119 (2006) – 59th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics,
American Physical Society, 19-21 November 2006, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA.
- Griffith, M.D., Leweke, T., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
6th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, KTH Mechanics, Stockholm, Sweden, June 26-30, 2006.
- Sheard, G., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
3rd MIT Conference on Computational Fluid & Solid Mechanics, June 2005.
- Browne, P., Carberry, J., Hourigan, K. & Sheridan, J.,
Fourth Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV4)
(Eds: T. Leweke and C.H.K. Williamson), Santorini, Greece, 21-24 June 2005.
- Hourigan, K., Leweke, T., Thompson, M.C. & Cheung, A.,
Fourth Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV4)
(Eds: T. Leweke and C.H.K. Williamson), Santorini, Greece, 21-24 June 2005.
- Leontini, J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Fourth Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV4)
(Eds: T. Leweke and C.H.K. Williamson), Santorini, Greece, 21-24 June 2005.
- Leweke, T., Thompson, M. C., Hourigan, K.,
Dynamics of the flow around an impacting sphere,
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV4),
Leweke, T., Williamson, C. H. K. (ed.), pp. 93-94, Santorini, Greece, 21-24 June 2005.
- Sheard, G., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Fourth Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV4)
(Eds: T. Leweke and C.H.K. Williamson), Santorini, Greece, 21-24 June 2005.
- Stewart, B., Leontini, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Fourth Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV4)
(Eds: T. Leweke and C.H.K. Williamson), Santorini, Greece, 21-24 June 2005.
- Tago, D., Hirahara, H., Kawahashi, M. & Hourigan, K.,
Proc. Saitama-Meeting of JSME, pp.129-130, 2005. (in Japanese)
- Fouras, A., Hourigan, K., Kawahashi, M. & Hirahara, H.,
International Conference on Advanced Optical Diagnostics in Fluids, Solids and Combustion (VSJ-SPIE’04),
December 4-6, 2004, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
- Dusting, J., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Eds: M. Behnia, W. Lin & G.D. McBain,
ISBN: 1-864-87695-6, CD-ROM), The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 13-17 December 2004, AFMC00155.
- Stewart, B., Leontini, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney, December 13-17, 2004.
- Sheard, G., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney, December 13-17, 2004.
- Fitzgerald, A., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney, December 13-17, 2004.
- Khalil, S., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney, December 13-17, 2004.
- Griffith, M., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney, December 13-17, 2004.
- Griffith, M., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
The 12th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC2004), 27 September - 1 October 2004,
The University of Melbourne, Victoria Australia.
- Leontini, J.S., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
The 12th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC2004), 27 September - 1 October 2004,
The University of Melbourne, Victoria Australia.
- Stewart, B., Leontini, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M. C.,
Australian & New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 46(E), C181-C195, 2004.

- Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Society, 46(E), C1296-C1310, 2004.

- Fitzgerald, A., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Australian & New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 46(E), C351-364, 2004.

- Griffith, M., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Australian & New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, 46(E), C167-180, 2004.

- Hirahara, H., Kawahashi, M. & Hourigan, K.,
JSME Fluids Engineering Division meeting, 25-26 November 2004, Vol.2004, No.2, (20040904), pp. 11-12.
- Gregory J Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences,
Madeira, Portugal, 26-29 July 2004.
- Leweke, T., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K.,
56th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physical Society, 23-25 November 2003,
East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Vol. 48, no. 10, p. 164 (2003)
- Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Leweke, T.,
Third International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia, 10-12 December 2003.
- Mununga, L., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Third International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia, 10-12 December 2003.
- Sheard, G., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
In proceedings of the 5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France, August 2003.
- Mununga, L., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Johnson, S.,
2nd International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 23-26 June 2003, Victoria Falls, Zambia.
- Johnson, S.A., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibration (BBVIV3), Port Douglas,
Queensland, December 17-20, 2002.
- Ryan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibration (BBVIV3),
Port Douglas, Queensland, December 17-20, 2002.
- Sheard, G., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibration (BBVIV3),
Port Douglas, Queensland, December 17-20, 2002.
- Thompson, M.C., Leweke, T., Cheung, A. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibration (BBVIV3),
Port Douglas, Queensland, December 17-20, 2002.
- Pregnalato, C. J., Thompson, M. C. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibration (BBVIV3),
Port Douglas, Queensland, December 17-20, 2002.
- Pregnalato, C., Ryan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of IMECE 2002, 5th International Symposium on FSI, AE & FIV+N Symposium,
17-22 November 2002, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA .
- McBean, I., Liu, F., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.,
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2002, GT-2002-30366, June 3, 2002, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Hourigan, K., Reichl, P. & Thompson, M.C.,
Invited Keynote Lecture, IUTAM Symposium on Unsteady Separated Flows, April 8-12, 2002, Toulouse, France.
- Hourigan, K., McBean, I., Thompson, M.C. & Liu, F.,
French - Australian workshop Couplings of Fluids, Structures and Waves Problems in Aeronautics (CFASWA),
Melbourne, 3-6 December 2001 (Springer series "Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics").
- Cheung, A.K.W., Tan, B.T., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1, 115-118.
- Johnson, S.A., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1, 343-346.
- Mununga, L., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 2, 661-664.
- Ryan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1 , 387-390.
- Sheard, G.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1, 401-404.
- Liow, K., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1, 99-102.
- Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1, 107-110.
- Jones, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1, 347-350.
- Jones, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1, 351-354.
- McBean, I.W., Liu, F., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1, 363-366.
- Pregnalato, C.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1, 363-366.
- Reichl, P.J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Low Froude number frequency response of the wake for flow past a cylinder close to a free surface,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 1, 489-492.
- Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 2, 601-604.
- Reichl, P.J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December 2001,
(Editor: B. Dally), Vol. 2, 781-784.
- Sheard, G., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
In proceedings of the 1st Melbourne Graduate Fluids Conference, Monash University, Victoria, Australia, July 2001.
- Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Invited Plenary Lecture, IUTAM BBVIVII, Marseille, June13-16, 2000.
- Jones, M., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
30th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA-99-3807, Norfolk, Virginia, June, 1999.
- Reichl, P.J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
30th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA-99-3808, Norfolk, Virginia, June, 1999.
- Adams, B., Jones, M., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Second International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, Melbourne, December, 1999, 311-315.
- Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the 1998 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, June 22-26, Washington, D.C.,
published on CDROM, Paper No. FEDSM98-5166, 1998.
- Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Monash University, December 13-18, 1998, Vol. 2, 875-879.
- Jones, M., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Monash University, December 13-18, 1998, Vol. 1, 175-178.
- Tan, B.T., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Monash University, December 13-18, 1998, 789-793.
- Jones, M., Morris, P., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Monash University, December 13-18, 1998, Vol. 2, 777-780.
- Reichl, P.J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
(Eds. M.C. Thompson and K. Hourigan), December 13-18, 1998, Vol. 1, 943-946.
- Morris, P., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Monash University, December 13-18, 1998, Vol. 1, 1-4.
- Reichl, P.J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
13th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Monash University, December 13-18, 1998, Vol. 1, 103-106.
- Tan, B.T., Morris, P., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
International Conference on CFD in Mineral and Metal Processing and Power Generation, pp 245-252, CSIRO, Clayton, 1997.
- Reichl, P., Morris, P., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
International Conference on CFD in Mineral and Metal Processing and Power Generation, 345-350, CSIRO, Clayton, 1997.
- Morris, P., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
International Conference on CFD in Mineral and Metal Processing and Power Generation, pp 265-272, CSIRO, Clayton, 1997.
- Morris, P., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C. & Stoneman, S.A.T.,
Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM’97), June 22-26, 1997.
- Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Mills, R.,
Proc. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Dallas, Nov. 1997.
- Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Mills, R.,
Bulletin of American Physical Society, p2177, San Francisco, 1997.
- Reichl, P.J., Morris, P., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
FEDSM97-3403 (CDROM), 1997 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM’97, June 22-26, Vancouver.
- Thompson, M.C., Tan, B.T. & Hourigan, K.,
FEDSM97-3675 (CDROM), 1997 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM’97), June 22-26, 6 pp, 1997.
- Hourigan, K., Thompson, M. & Sheridan, J.,
Euromech Colloquium 364 Dynamics and Statistics of Concentrated Vortices in Turbulent Flows, p 33,
Carry-le-Rouet, June 24-27, 1997.
- Khor, M., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the 28th AIAA Shear Flow Control Conference (AIAA-97-2003), Colorado, USA, pp 1-4, 1997.
- Mills, R., Sheridan, J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Proc. Bluff Bodies Aerodynamics and Applications – BBAAIII, CX1 pp13-16, Virginia, 1996.
- Mills, R., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Welsh, M.C.,
Proceedings of 12th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vol. 1, 227-230, Sydney, December 10-15, 1995.
- Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Welsh, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of 12th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney, Vol. 1, 235-238, December 10-15, 1995.
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Sheridan, J.,
Proceedings of 12th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vol. 1, 247-250, Sydney, December 10-15, 1995.
- Graham, L.J.W., Hourigan, K. & M.C. Thompson,
Proceedings of 12th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Vol. 1, 295-298, Sydney, December 10-15, 1995.
- Khor, M., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Welsh, M.C.,
Proceedings of 12th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney, Vol. 1, 29-32, December 10-15, 1995.
- Khor, M., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of 12th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney, Vol. 1, 33-36, December 10-15, 1995.
- Thompson, M.C., Mills, R., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of 12th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sydney, Vol. 1, 513-516, December 10-15, 1995.
- Thompson, M.C., Mills, R., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Proc. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, San Francisco, Nov. 1995.
- Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Welsh, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Proc. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, San Francisco, Nov. 1995. Invited Talk.
- Rudman, M. & Hourigan, K.,
Eighth International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science, Adelaide, 13-18 Feb., 1994.
- Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Welsh, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
International Colloquium on Jets, Wakes and Shear Layers, 18-20 April, 1994, Melbourne, 8.1-8.8.
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Sheridan, J.,
International Colloquium on Jets, Wakes and Shear Layers, 18-20 April, 1994, Melbourne, 10.1-10.9.
- Monaghan, J.J., Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K.,
International Colloquium on Jets, Wakes and Shear Layers, 18-20 April, 1994, Melbourne, 30.1-30.12.
- Rudman, M., Hourigan, K. and Brocher, E.,
International Colloquium on Jets, Wakes and Shear Layers, 18-20 April, 1994, Melbourne.
- Mills, R., Sheridan, J., Welsh, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
International Colloquium on Jets, Wakes and Shear Layers, 18-20 April, 1994, Melbourne, 14.1-14.7.
- Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Welsh, M.C., Hourigan, K., Soria, J. & Thompson, M.C.,
International Colloquium on Jets, Wakes and Shear Layers, 18-20 April, 1994, Melbourne, 15.1-15.7.
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Sheridan, J.,
Fifth European Turbulence Conference, 214, Siena, Italy, July 5-8, 1994.
- Khor, M., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Welsh, M.C.,
Proc. European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Poland, 1994.
- Khor, M., Sheridan, J. & Hourigan, K.,
Coll. Management and Active Control of Turbulent Shear Flows, Berlin, 1994.
- Rudman, M., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Liquid-Solid Flows 1994, The 1994 ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, June 19-23, 1994.
- Monaghan, J.J., Thompson, M. & Hourigan, K.,
Advances in Computational Methods in Fluid Mechanics, The 1994 ASME Fluids Engineering Division
Summer Meeting, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, June 19-23, 1994.
- Brocher, E., Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C., Andrianantoandro, A. & Welsh, M.C.,
Second French Congress on Acoustics, 14-17 April 1992, Arcachon, France.
- Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K., Dilin, P., Rudman, M., Thompson, M.C., Welsh, M.C. & Mills, R.,
IUTAM Symposium on `in Bluff-Body Wakes, Dynamics and Instabilities’, Gottingen, Germany, September, 1992.
- Rudman, M., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Computational Fluid Dynamics '92, 1992, Vol. 1, 449--445 .
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K. & Stokes, A.N.,
Fan Noise - International INCE Symposium, CETIM, Senlis, FRANCE, 1-3 September 1992,
editor Alain Guedel, pp 197--204.
- Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
11th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 14--18 December, 1992, Hobart, Australia, Vol I, pp. 111--114.
- Hourigan, K., Brocher, E , Andrianantoandro, A., Thompson, M.C. and Welsh, M.C.,
11th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 14--18 December, 1992, Hobart, Australia, Vol II, pp. 997-1000.
- Mills, R., Hourigan, K., Sheridan, J., Dilin, P. & Welsh, M.C.,
Second International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, 7--11 December, 1992,
Melbourne, Australia (9 pp).
- Wu, J., Sheridan, J., Soria, J., Hourigan, K. & Welsh, M.C.,
Second International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, 7--11 December, 1992,
Melbourne, Australia (10 pp).
- Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C., Thompson, M.C., Welch, L.W. and Wu, J.,
Invited General Lecture, Euromech Colloquium 272 on Response of Shear Flows to Imposed Unsteadiness,
Jan 14-18, 1991, Aussois, France.
- Wu, J., Soria, J., Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C. & Welch, L.W.,
5th International Conference in Flow Induced Vibrations, 21-23 May, 1991, Brighton, U.K.
- Welsh, M.C., Alfredson, R., Dilin, P. & Hourigan, K.,
5th International Conference in Flow Induced Vibrations, 21-23 May, 1991, Brighton, U.K.
- Welsh, M.C., Hourigan, K., Alfredson, R.J. & Pan Di Lin,
Inter-noise 91, 2-4 December, 1991, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 1, 609- 612.
- Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C., Thompson, M.C. & Stokes, A.N.,
Inter-noise 91, 2-4 December, 1991, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 1, 601-604.
- Thompson, M.C., Brocher, E., Andrianantoandro, A., Welsh, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Inter-noise 91, 2-4 December, 2-4 December, 1991, Sydney, Australia, Vol. 1, 395-398
1990 and before
- Brocher, E., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Third International Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Cairo, Egypt, January 2-4, 1990.
- Chan, C.Y.L., Hourigan, K., Welch, L.W. & Welsh, M.C.,
Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Hong Kong, August 19-23, 4 pages, 1989.
- Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C., Stokes, A.N. & Welsh, M.C.,
Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Hong Kong, August 19-23, 4 pages, 1989.
- Thompson, M.C., Welsh, M.C., Stokes, A.N & Hourigan, K.,
Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Christchurch, New Zealand, May 9-12, 1989.
- Hourigan, K., Chan, C.Y.L., Welch, L.W. & Welsh, M.C.,
Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Transfer Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Christchurch, New Zealand,
May 9-12, 1989, 307--314.
- Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C., Stokes, A.N. & Welsh, M.C.,
In: Computational Fluid Dynamics, G. de Vahl Davis and C. Fletcher (eds.) Elsevier, 427-436, 1988.
- Welsh, M.C., Hourigan, K., Welch, L.W., Downie, R.J., Thompson, M.C. & Stokes, A.N.,
Proceedings of the First World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics,
Dubrovnik,Yugoslavia, September 4-9 1988, 141-159. Also: Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science.
- Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C., Thompson, M.C., Welch, L.W., Downie, R.J. & Stokes, A.N.,
Proceedings of the First National Fluid Dynamics Congress, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 24-28, 1988, Vol. 1, 1-8.
- Hourigan, K., Cooper, P.I., Thompson, M.C., Welch, L.W. & Welsh, M.C.,
Proceedings of the 1987 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Honolulu, 22-27 March, 1987, Vol. 5, 195-202.
- Welsh, M.C., Stokes, A.N., Hourigan, K. & Stoneman, S.A.T.,
Proceedings of the 1987 ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Conference, Honolulu, 22-27 March, 1987, Vol. 2, 635-640.
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C. & Mathias, M., Stokes, A.N., Hourigan, K. and Welsh, M.C.,
Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Fundamental Aspects of Vortex Motion, Tokyo, 31 August, 4 September 1987, 180-183.
- Soh, W.K., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Fundamental Aspects of Vortex Motion, Tokyo, 31 August, 4 September 1987, 29-32.
- Stokes, A.N., Welsh, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
9th Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf., University of Auckland, 8-12 Dec., 1986, 164-167.
- Hourigan, K., Stokes, A.N., Thompson, M.C. & Welsh, M.C.,
9th Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf., University of Auckland, 8-12 Dec., 1986, 504-507.
- Cooper, P.I., Hourigan, K., Flood, G.J. & Thompson, M.C.,
9th Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf., University of Auckland, 8-12 Dec., 1986, 272-275.
- Welch, L.W., Carra, C.J. & Hourigan, K.,
9th Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf., University of Auckland, 8-12 Dec., 1986, 39-42.
- Welch, L.W., Hourigan, K., Flood, G.J. & Welsh, M.C.,
9th Aust. Fluid Mech. Conf., University of Auckland, 8-12 Dec., 1986, 496-499.
- Hourigan, K., Stokes, A.N. & Welsh,
Proceedings of the Third Australasian Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, University of Melbourne, 1985, 399-406.
- Hourigan, K., Welsh, M.C. & Welch, L.W.,
In: Enhanced Heat Transfer, 23rd AIChE/ASME National Heat Transfer Conference, Proceedings, Denver, Colorado,
9-12 July 1985, Vol 43, 91-99.
- Hourigan, K., Thompson, M.C., Welsh, M.C. & Stokes, A.N.,
In: Fourth International Conference, Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Proceedings,
University College, Wales, 9-12 July 1985, C. Taylor, M D. Olson, P.M. Gresho and W.G. Habashi (eds.) Part 2, 696-707.
- Thompson, M.C., Hourigan, K., Stokes, A.N.
& Welsh, M.C.,
Heat Transfer Rate from a Heated Plate in the Region of a Turbulent Separation Bubble.
In: Fourth International Conference, Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, Proceedings, University College, Wales,
15-18 July 1985, 458-460, R. W. Lewis and K. Morgan (eds.). Pineridge Press.
- Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
Combined finite-difference and discrete-vortex solution of acoustically perturbed two-dimensional separated flow around a heated plate.
Elsevier, 405-416.
- Hourigan, K.,
Proc. Ast. Soc. Aust., Vol. 5, 459-461, 1984.
- Hourigan, K. & Schwarz, M.P.,
Proc. Ast. Soc. Aust., Vol. 5, 461-464, 1984.
- Hourigan, K. & Ward, W.R.,
- Hourigan, K. & Ward, W.R.,
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 14, 716-717, 1982.
- Hourigan, K.,
Proc. Ast. Soc. Aust., Vol. 4, 226-227, 1981.
- Hourigan, K. & Prentice, A.J.R.,
Proc. Ast. Soc. Aust., Vol. 3 , 389-390, 1979.
- Hourigan, K.,
Proc. Ast. Soc. Aust., Vol. 3, 169, 1977.