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ARC Discovery Grant DP170100275

Dynamics and Control of Fluid-Structure-Free Surface Interactions

Chief Investigators: Kerry Hourigan, Joe J. Monaghan
Partner Investigator: Thomas Leweke

Many natural phenomena and important industrial and sporting processes involve the interaction of solid bodies and
free surfaces - floating and submerged vessels, off-shore marine platforms, wave or current energy harvesting, aquatic sports
such as swimming and skiing, mixing vessels, etc. For some of these, the performance often depends on optimising factors such
as lift and drag (e.g., swimming), while for others, additionally, vibrations can either be damaging (e.g., risers) or
required (e.g., ocean current energy harvester); for example, downtime due to such damage on an offshore oil/gas rig can cost
millions of dollars a day. The team undertakes significant transfer of their fundamental research, such as in this proposal,
to a range of bluff body and vibration problems in the marine, sports, automotive and rail industries, leading to innovative
designs and strategies to increase competitiveness and reduce risk for Australian Industry.

This proposal will address the following our major fundamental questions in fluid-structure interactions at free surfaces in a flow:

1. At what fraction of piercing or immersion does a body undergo maximum flow-induced vibration?

2. What are the relative effects of vortex shedding and wave generation on flow-induced vibration?

3. Does controlling body rotary oscillation influence the amplitude of vibration?

4. free-surface layer separation be modified to control flow-induced vibration?
Research Outputs:


          Wake dynamics and flow-induced vibration of a freely rolling cylinder,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 903, A48, 2020. DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2020.631 
  • Konstantinidis, E. Zhao, J., Leontini, J., Lo Jacono, D. & Sheridan, J.,
    Phase dynamics of effective drag and lift components in vortex-induced vibration at low mass–damping,
    Journal of Fluids and Structures, 96, 103028, DOI: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2020.103028

  • Terrington, S.J., Thompson, M.C. & Hourigan, K.,
           The generation and conservation of vorticity: Deforming interfaces and boundaries in two-dimensional flows,
           Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 890, A5, 2020. DOI:

  • Zhao, J., Lo Jacono, D., Sheridan, J., Hourigan, K. & Thompson, M.C.,
    Experimental investigation of in-line flow-induced vibration of a rotating circular cylinder,
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 847, 664-699, 2018.